Tag: Parenthood

Stirring to Create

For several years now, I’ve felt a tug on my heart to organize my journal entries and prayers to ultimately put these into a coherent book. I feel like my life is going in so many directions now, between my 4 and 6 year… Continue Reading “Stirring to Create”

Being Content Despite Not Knowing

Today is the day we would have gotten aboard a cruise ship off the coast of Vancouver heading to Alaska. Alas, my preschooler came down with a fever and headache last week, and it was the dreaded virus we’ve tried so hard for nearly… Continue Reading “Being Content Despite Not Knowing”

Handle with Care

This morning, I dropped off my kindergartener to her school, and then my three-year-old to her preschool class. We skipped from the car into her school building and then walked to her classroom in silence, taking in all the sights and sounds of other… Continue Reading “Handle with Care”

Let it roll (off your back)

A few days ago, my girls and I went outside to take advantage of the sunny, spring-like weather. I started pulling weeds in my side yard while my girls were tinkering around in the driveway. I’ve stopped nagging them to wear shoes at this… Continue Reading “Let it roll (off your back)”

Learning to be a GentleMom

This morning, I could have slept in for another hour. Instead, my ginger-haired girl tiptoed her way into my room, discovering an unopened package of Easter candy on her way to my side of the bed. “Mama! We didn’t eat all the Pez from… Continue Reading “Learning to be a GentleMom”

Savoring the Time

After lunch, I’m eyeing the clock, waiting for 1pm to get here. That’s the time for my two little ones to skitter up the stairs, I will read them a book (or three) and then it’s quiet time for both of them. After their… Continue Reading “Savoring the Time”

Oh, the Possibilities

Tomorrow evening at around 9pm, my baby girl will be three years old. How is it possible she is that old, while at the same time, how has she not been part of me all my life? Just three years seems like such a… Continue Reading “Oh, the Possibilities”

Secret Green

When I was a kid, I shared a bedroom with my sister, my brother had his own room, and my uncle Mark had a bedroom downstairs, just up from the basement. My parents had their own bathroom in their room, and the rest of… Continue Reading “Secret Green”

Saving the World

My oldest daughter, Noelle, was wearing her Captain America cape, my youngest was in her pink Anna cloak, both of them dressed their Elsa gowns (it’s all about Frozen in this house) on New Year’s Eve. “Come on, Autumn! Let’s go save the world!”… Continue Reading “Saving the World”

My Gramma Betty

I got the call last Saturday morning that my 97 year old gramma Betty had a heart attack. On Tuesday, January 26, 2021, Gramma decided that it was time to leave this world. Blessedly, my mom and her siblings all got to say goodbye… Continue Reading “My Gramma Betty”