Jesus wept, a Fresh retelling

Today before I put my girls down for a nap, we settled in to the oversized upholstered rocker in my youngest’s room. Me in the middle, with my 4 year old on my left and my 2 year old on my right, the Illustrated Storybook Bible in my lap. While reading the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead through their young, innocent eyes, it gave me a fresh perspective of Jesus. Jesus knew that Lazarus was ill, and yet he decided to stay an extra two days where he was before making his way to see Lazarus. By the time he arrived at Lazarus’ house, Lazarus had been dead for four days. Stank dead. Jesus was great friends with Lazarus and his two sisters, Mary and Martha. But still he made them wait. He knew that God’s glory would be displayed to an even greater degree if he waited. Martha met Jesus as he came into town, and she understandably was upset. “Why didn’t you come when we first told you he was sick?” I can hear her asking with her hands in the air. Jesus didn’t get upset then. He calmly told her that Lazarus would rise again. Then, Jesus saw Mary. This is the same Mary who would anoint Jesus’ feet with perfume, and wipe them off with her hair. She was heartsick over losing her brother. She asks Jesus the same question Mary asked him. “Where were you?” with tears running down her face. And Jesus breaks. He cries. He can feel their pain and sorrow. He knows they think he brushed them off, he feels their rejection. He feels their desperation. Even knowing he was about to perform an incredible miracle, Jesus still cried. Maybe he knew he would be feeling these same things in a matter of weeks, when he would be carrying his cross.

this was written in (a little over) five minutes for Five Minute Friday. Also, I know it isn’t Friday. But as long as it’s in the same week, it counts! To read other works on this same topic of FRESH, click here.

7 Comments on “Jesus wept, a Fresh retelling

  1. This sentence really made me stop and think:
    “But still he made them wait. He knew that God’s glory would be displayed to an even greater degree if he waited.”

    Thank you for your “fresh retelling” of that familiar story. It made me stop and pray once again for a few prayer requests I’ve prayed over for years. It helped me see one reason why God may be saying “Wait.” May God receive greater glory in how He answers the prayers of those who are still waiting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! I’m so glad that spoke to you. I know God was speaking to me, too.
      Praying that we have eyes to see Him working even if it isn’t in the way we expect!


  2. Your retelling helps to bring the story alive. How His heart was broken even though He knew He would raise Lazarus. Jesus knows our pain and understands and gives us courage and strength as He walks with us through it. Blessings to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It is comforting to know Jesus understands perfectly all the emotions we feel. This is a great reminder that though waiting is hard, there is often something even better awaiting us! Your (also late) fmf neighbor, Cindy

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  4. Shortest verse in the Bible but bursting with impact! I love that we worship a God who sees our need, feels our distress, and weeps with us. Waiting is so hard, but God always provides. Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

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